Haris specializes in portrait, documentary, advertising, fashion & street photography.
He was born and raised in Athens, Greece. Photography was always his passion. He studied
direction of cinema photography. His professional career as a photographer begun in 1985.At
the age of eighteen he was hired as a rookie talented photographer from “Marie Claire” and
“Tachidromos” magazines, the leading magazines that decade in Greece.
He works with the majority of the publishing, music and advertising-PR industry in Greece.
He travels a lot, photographing key-people in the fields of politics, business and show business.
Furthermore, he has been chosen for the personal branding of numerous personalities for his
talented way to bring out their natural-inner them. Among his clients are four ex-Prime Ministers and two eX Presidents of Greek Democracy.
Haris has had three solo exhibitions of his work:
The first one, “Ground Zero- New York City-One Year After” was hosted at Hellenic-American
Union in Athens, attracting 3500 people during 9 days, as well as huge media attention.
The second one, “Hands”, was a study of human hands through Haris look.The third one,titled
LOCKDOWNED,was a selection of 50 pictures from the book LOCKDOWNED,which is a study
about people and cities during the Corona Virus era.
He has repeatedly taken part in group photo exhibitions, offering all the proceeds from the sale
of his photographs at humanitarian non-profit organizations. Also, his photographs have been
used for the communication needs of these organizations.
1985-1991: Lambrakis Press (DOL) / Permanent collaboration with Marie Claire and
Tahidromos,both leading magazines in Greece during the 80's & 90’s.
1991-2012: Portrait,assignment Photographer for Epsilon magazine. Regular
Contributor to magazines: Flash, Nitro, KLIK, Diva, Odyssey,On-Off,AlterEgo,Bimagazino,Men,etc.
1995-2002: Staff photographer/ “Vitrine” and “Money and Life” magazines.
2002-now: Freelance photographer, with his own studio.Client list includes international
Music,Warner Music,Sipa Press) and many local companies.
Photographer and Content Creator for clothing company Brands4all.
Regular Contributor for international Photo-news agency Sipa Usa.
Hari's portrait by Giannis Vastardis